Market is flooded with different type of health band and watches that promises to report accurate heart rates and monitor cardiac activities along with Steps and other physical parameters then how pulse is different? In all the different kind of devices/bands available today there is catch that they use only an optical sensor (A combination of Light emitter and receiver) to determine the user’s heart beat and then uses some hardcoded algorithms to derive approximate ECGs for user’s information but this process is very approximate and buggy giving false results all the time.
Although from last years some of the brands have also launched ECG watches that uses more accurate Electrode based system to record cardiac activity but in the long run this does a little or no good for the users because for a non-medically qualified buyer these ECG reports are senseless and he or she can gain no insights from them about his/her hearts condition unless he consult a heart specialist.
Introducing Pulse
Pulse is a heart-rhythm monitoring band functional for both healthy people and heart patients, it includes the complete ECG, PPG heart monitoring mechanism and physical activity tracking, together assisted with Machine learning and Cognitive thinking system to collect data on heart rhythms and notify users who may be experiencing atrial fibrillation (AFib), Missed beats or any other surfaced heart conditions.
Pulse is also developed in an alternate form factor as a wearable Vest that monitors heart activity 24x7. It is specially designed for Severe heart patients or people with congenital heart problems. The Vest due to placement of electrodes near the heart yields more accurate data throughout the day and notify user if any abnormalities in heart are detected with even more accuracy.
Sneak Peek
Comprehensive Insights from pulse reports can be analysed by the users independently without immediate medical consultancy